Thursday, September 16, 2010

My Road Trip In a Nutshell...but not literally.

As the name of my blog suggests, I like to think I'm a clever guy. I'll probably wind up changing it when I think of something better.

At this moment I'm starting my wake-up routine, which consists of sitting up in bed and meandering around the internet until I've hit all my daily info sites or until I've seen enough useless information, whichever comes first.

Since this is the first post since I've left home I should give a breakdown of my drive;
Day 1- Thursday morning I left LI at around 7am on less than an hour of sleep. I had been up the night before putting all my cd's and dvd's into the travel cases. I also just tend not to sleep well the night before big events. I think the last time I barely slept before an event was in San Diego, with the family, the night before going to Disneyland. What can I say, I was too excited to sleep. I think I also tried to chalk it up to an uncomfortable sleeping arrangement. Anyway, that first day I drove about 600 miles taking frequent stops for gas, food, bathroom breaks and just to stretch and make sure I was awake. I drove out of NY, slipped past Jersey and through one of the longest states to drive though, Pennsylvania. I made it to Delaware, Ohio between 9 and 10pm, where I crashed at a friend's dorm. Thanks again Michele!
Day 2- On the way out of Ohio I stopped at an Amish style restaurant called Der Dutchman. They had great clam chowder, and their grilled cheese with ham was way more than just a grilled cheese with ham. It was around these parts that I really started to see the appeal of living in middle-America. After leaving Ohio I drove through Indiana, Illinois and made it to St. Louis, MO.
Day 3- After walking around an overcast and slightly rainy St. Louis taking pictures of the arch and the Mississippi, I headed out of town and made it to Oklahoma City, OK. This area of the country is not nearly as populated and everything is very spread out.
Day 4- This was a light travel day to Amarillo, TX. This city is how I would imagine Long Island minus all the small family owned businesses with about twice as many gas stations and restaurants thrown in. The main part of the city sits on about 5 miles of interstate 40 and is a rather lively area. Somewhere between Amarillo and Albuquerque I started to see mountains in the distance. This was comforting.
Day 5- I booked it out of Texas (which was better than I thought it would be) and through New Mexico to get to Flagstaff, AZ. Flagstaff was also a pretty cool place, not in temperature, but in essence. While in the motel I began to plan out my last few days on the road. Once I realized what the next 2 days held in store I threw my arms in the air as some sort of sign of victory...nobody would have known had I not just said so.
Day 6- *This is the point that I started writing this entry* On this day I took my time with everything. This was the beginning of the last 2 days on the road and I would be driving less than 300 miles each day. I veered north off the planned route to visit a little place many call The Grand Canyon. If I tried to describe it I wouldn't do it justice. All I can say is that you must must must MUST see it in your lifetime if you haven't already. It's the most indescribable, jaw dropping, kick you in the face, dumbstruck awe I have EVER experienced...even more so than when the Red Sox won the World four years.
After dragging myself away from one of the greatest sights in the world I made my way south back to interstate 40 and after about 120 miles I then headed north again. After crossing the Hoover Dam I stumbled onto a quaint little town called Las Vegas. I know what you're thinking...what happens there stays there, Siegfried and Roy, wolfpacks, wild times with Wayne Newton and Cousin Eddie. But no. Alas, Vegas can be just as boring as Martinsville, Illinois when you go by yourself on a Tuesday night. When I arrived at the LV Hilton around 9pm I needed to shower before doing anything else. Once I cleaned myself off I got a drink at a bar on the casino floor and watched some SportsCenter highlights. By then all of the restaurants were closed so I got another drink or two and took a walk to find something to eat. Once again I had to settle for a sub-par sub at Subway.
Day 7- The last day on the road to LA was finally upon me. After having lunch with a friend I hadn't seen since high school I left the electric oasis to drive through the Mojave desert. By the way, thanks Jarrod for showing me Capriano's. The sandwiches there were probably 100 times better than even the best Subway sandwich.
The Mojave lived up to it's reputation by throwing 100 degree heat down on it's residents and travelers. However, the view and drive through the mountains made up for it.
I soon made it to Barstow, CA where I squeegeed off my windshield for about the 50th time this week and finished the Capriano's "Thanksgiving sangwich." Yes, you heard me. It's a sub consisting of turkey, cranberry sauce and stuffing. They call it a "Bobbie," and a small is 9 inches.
About an hour or two after leaving Barstow I finally arrived in LA and pulled into what is possibly my favorite spot on the Pacific, Santa Monica Beach. While there I indulged in what was probably one of the only real meals I had the whole trip at Bubba Gump on the pier. I thoroughly enjoyed the salmon and veggie skillet and then headed back inland to Studio City, which is where I am now finishing this post a day later.

Thirteen states, 3000 miles and seven days later. Here I am.

1 comment:

  1. Anthony! "Rommie"!! Wow wow wow-- I just finished reading your blog and I have chills!! So happy and a little envious of your ventures!! Its such an amazing time for you- and I wish you nothing but the B E S T! If you are ever in need of a Stylist when you become big and famous-- CALL ME ! ;0)

    That's my amazing venture- and it is starting to send me to LA sooner than later. The agency I am signed with reps out there and I would love to see you if I am ever sent.

    All my best,


    PS- Brian is very happy for you too and will miss you in canada this year!
